You can consume the leaves fresh, but if you want to preserve the nettle plants to be consumed or used later, there are a few things that you can try. Stinging nettle has a long and diverse history of use for food, medicine, cordage, and dye. Kate writes at – an exploration into thinking differently and living a more natural, connected, and sustainable life. [39], In the UK, an annual World Nettle Eating Championship draws thousands of people to Dorset, where competitors attempt to eat as much of the raw plant as possible. It pre-dates the nettle; if I did this from scratch, I wouldn’t bother protecting the nettle from bandicoots. Shakespeare's Hotspur urges that "out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety" (Henry IV, part 1, Act II Scene 3). Stinging nettle, or urtica dioica, is a perennial flowering plant that has been used medicinally for ages, dating back as far as Ancient Greece. It loves nitrogen and is often found colonizing old farmsteads. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Seeds contain much more fatty acid than leaves.[54]. Nettles can be used in a variety of recipes, such as polenta, pesto, and purée. And not just any food, but a super-food. [28] However, in 2011, an early Bronze Age burial cist on Whitehorse Hill,[29][30] Dartmoor, Devon was excavated. [56] Depending on the batch and the leave and stem content, nettle contains only traces of zeaxanthin or between 20 – 60 mg / kg of dry matter. After the stinging nettle enters its flowering and seed-setting stages, the leaves develop gritty particles … Stinging nettle occurs in New England as two subspecies, one (Urtica dioica ssp. Cooking stinging nettle gets rid of the stinging hairs. [12] Human and animal waste may be responsible for elevated levels of phosphate[13] and nitrogen in the soil, providing an ideal environment for nettles. Stinging Nettle may be one of the most nutrient dense plants you could ever hope to eat. Standard deviations are given in brackets. A sure sign of spring is the new nettle shoots that are growing on the perennial nettle Urtica dioica (below left). [74], "Stinging nettle" redirects here. . To use it, strain, dilute 1 part fertiliser to 10 parts water for the soil around your plants, or 1 part fertiliser to up to 20 parts water if using it on the leaves. [53][57] Nettle contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid, vitamin K1[53] and tocopherols (vitamin E). The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with brittle, hollow, hair-like structures. The top baby leaves are selected and simmered, then mixed with other ingredients such as herbs and rice, before being used as a filling between dough layers. You did a super packaging job. [47] German Army uniforms were almost all made from nettle during World War I due to a potential shortage of cotton. However, wood nettle is distinguished by its larger and wider leaves. It spreads by abundant seeds and also by rhizomes, and is often able to survive and re-establish quickly after fire. Prepared as a swiftly effective brew, it fights widely spread parasites found in the garden attacking the valuable wild plant like aphids. Any given stinging nettle plant may have one or both types of blooms. The plant can spread vegetatively with its yellow creeping rhizomes and often forms dense colonies. [15], Urtica dioica produces its inflammatory effect on skin (stinging, burning sensation often called "contact urticaria") both by impaling the skin via spicules – causing mechanical irritation – and by biochemical irritants, such as histamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine, among other chemicals. Inflorescence is catkin-like, 48 cm (1.63.2\") long. August 28, 2016. I’ve been a fan of nettle ever since I first read about nettle in Susun Weed’s book, Healing Wise – which was about the best introduction I can imagine. Caused by eating wrong type of food. [5] The term, contact urticaria, has a wider use in dermatology, involving dermatitis caused by various skin irritants and pathogens. [43] Urtication, or flogging with nettles is the process of deliberately applying stinging nettles to the skin to provoke inflammation. . Stinging Nettle – A Wild and Unruly Plant. Common stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a perennial plant found in temperate regions throughout the world. Stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, has leaves and stems with tiny, hollow, tipped hairs. Young plants were harvested by Native Americans and used as a cooked plant in spring when other food plants were scarce. The plant is considered an herbaceous perennial, meaning that it has herbal properties and grows back in the same areas year after year. Their high nutritional value makes them ideal for anyone suffering from exhaustion, poor nutrition, or just general dis-ease. Although it’s often talked about in terms of its medicinal properties, I prefer to think of nettle as a food. Stinging nettle herb is such a magical herb that also reduce the chances of communicable diseases and increase your immunity. The fibres are coarser, however. 170, Frankh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co, Stuttgart 2003. And when you think it’s done or you have a new batch ready, put the plant material and any left-over liquid on the compost. Cambridge University Press. Heiko Bellmann: Der Neue Kosmos Schmetterlingsführer, Schmetterlinge, Raupen und Futterpflanzen, pg. Nettle was believed to be a galactagogue – a substance that promotes lactation. The European subspecies has been introduced into Australia, North America and South America.[10][11]. You’ll often find it sneaking along beside, through, or under the walls of barns, stables, gardens, and houses. Table 1: Fatty acid content of different plant organs of U. The leaves and young stems of this herbaceous plant are fitted with stinging hairs tipped with formic acid and other irritants. [32] After the stinging nettle enters its flowering and seed-setting stages, the leaves develop gritty particles called cystoliths, which can irritate the urinary tract. For a long time, I kept my stinging nettle in a tub out of the way of people because I didn’t want it to sting anybody. [23] In Seán O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock, one of the characters quotes Aesop "Gently touch a nettle and it'll sting you for your pains/Grasp it as a lad of mettle and soft as silk remains". Stinging nettle is a plant. It actually smells more like cow dung than cow dung does. So those are some ways to use nettle in the kitchen; what about the garden? [44], In indigenous justice systems in Ecuador, urtication was used as punishment for severe crimes in 2010. I have a personal theory that the plants (“weeds”) that most persistently follow human beings about are those that have the most to offer us in terms of medicine, food, help in our gardens, and other useful things. Managing Pests and Disease. Stinging Nettle Recipes. Another benefit of growing stinging nettle is that it actually can reduce the risk of … Thanks to fermented stinging nettle tea, create your own 100% organic fertilizer and parasite repellent!. According to herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, nettle is also “one of the highest sources of digestible iron in plant form” (Gladstar, 1993, p. 29). [52], Fresh leaves contain approximately 82.4% water, 17.6% dry matter, 5.5% protein, 0.7 to 3.3% fat, and 7.1% carbohydrates. Plant in a location where you can manage it, as this plant has a habit of taking over. Urtica dioica, often known as common nettle, stinging nettle (although not all plants of this species sting) or nettle leaf, or just a nettle or stinger, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae. 1994. Stinging nettle plants are often compared to spinach because they can be used in the same ways that you would normally use spinach. Since stinging nettle plants spread by root runners, this can be hard to do. I see why you charged so much for shipping. Get the latest permaculture news stories straight in your inbox, The Advanced Permaculture Student Teacher's Guide, The Permaculture Student 2: A Collection of Regenerative Solutions (eBook), 8 plants that keep bugs far away from your house, Dominant Healthcare vs Marginalised Alternatives, Permaculture support needed in Jalaidh River, Nepal, Personal Responsibility and Causes for Consumerism, “We’re running out of oil!” – Formidable Vegetable Sound System Live on BBC London, It’s a resource that otherwise goes to landfill, It feeds my soil (appropriately balanced with other nitrogenous inputs I use) as it breaks down, Running weeds such as couch grass and nettle are much easier to pull out when they’re running under or over cardboard than over uncovered soil, since they’re loosely rooted if you catch them early enough. Pick the first two or three pairs of leaves from the top of the plants. It must therefore be collected with gloves. This guide to will cover everything hikers need to know about stinging nettle from how to identify the plant, what happens when skin comes into contact with the plant, symptoms, treatment, and when to seek emergency medical attention. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) originated in Europe but now grows on every continent but Antarctica, where-ever there is fertile, moist soil, and particularly where the soil has been disturbed. Keep this in mind when you consider where your nettle patch should be. Originally native to Europe, much of temperate Asia and western North Africa,[1] it is now found worldwide, including New Zealand[2] and North America. When touched by bare hands, occur side effects such as itching, allergies. gracilis) is native, while the other (U. dioica ssp. Same bed (below), with nettle harvested and a new cardboard barrier in place. This is where all that nettle went: chopped into a 20-liter bucket…, Weighted down with a rock and covered with water…. Besides feeding us, our nettle patch also nourishes our garden and compost bins. Stinging nettle is a large, rhizomatous perennial wild edible plant that can grow quite tall. Here are some ideas for making use of the free food and fertiliser that this under-appreciated weed has to offer. If I’m planning to eat it, I harvest the tips (wearing gloves) and snip the leaves into a bowl. I’m sure an internet search would yield lots of information though. I decided to leave it as it was rather than go outside, secure that chicken netting by some other means, take another picture, re-edit it, and re-load it. The sentenced perpetrator of a crime was flogged with stinging nettle, in public, naked, whilst being showered with freezing cold water. The plant will be under a foot in height. This is why I decided I wanted a larger patch of it, and why I put it where it could spread into a pathway: to remind me to harvest it often and use it well. The leaves and stems are very hairy with non-stinging hairs, and in most subspecies, also bear many stinging hairs (trichomes or spicules), whose tips come off when touched, transforming the hair into a needle that can inject several chemicals causing a painful sting or paresthesia, giving the species its common names: stinging nettle, burn nettle, burn weed, or burn hazel.[3][5][4]. I like using cardboard as a barrier because; The chicken wire was put there to keep the bandicoots out of this section of raised beds. gracilis) is native, while the other (U. dioica ssp. Since nettles prefer to grow in phosphorus-rich and nitrogen rich soils that have recently been disturbed (and thus aerated), the growth of nettles is an indicator that an area has high fertility (especially phosphate and nitrate), and thus is an indicator to gardeners as to the quality of the soil. See below Description. I have never tasted a cooked green – either wild or domestic – that I like better. (Caution: Nettle can be harvested for eating any time except when it’s flowering or seeding. Your nettles will be ready to harvest between 80-90 days from seed. Not only does nettle follow us about but it leaves us in no doubt, when we brush against it, about its presence and identity. Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of Weeds of the U.S. NE&GP: Stubbendieck, J., G.Y. Plant orders made after that date will be shipped starting March 15, 2021. In French, the idiom faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties (don't push grandma in the nettles) means that we should be careful not to abuse a situation. Stinging nettle is a nutritious plant popular in herb gardens throughout the world. [45], Nettle stems contain a bast fibre that has been traditionally used for the same purposes as linen and is produced by a similar retting process. I wanted to show you cutting the nettle back at the edge of the bed, but I needed my cutting hand to hold the camera. But the trouble was I never thought of using it, and it couldn’t spread out beyond the confines of its tub. Depending on your climate, you may have nettles available year-round (remember not to eat/drink the leaves while its flowering/seeding) or every spring. Photo credit: janGlas via / CC BY-NC-ND. Stinging nettle is among the benefits be good for muscle and joint pain, protection against prostate cancer and hair extension. Buy farm-fresh plants online! If there is anything to that theory, then nettle must be among the most useful of them all. Stinging Nettle is a perennial herb growing nearly worldwide. This batch of chicken and nettle soup had bits of chicken meat in it. Stinging hairs of Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) A stinging plant or a plant with stinging hairs is a plant with hairs (trichomes) on its leaves or stems that are capable of injecting substances that cause pain or irritation. Nettles, Urtica spp. Required fields are marked *. I was expecting maybe bare roots wrapped in a moist paper towel and plastic bag. U. dioica has a flavour similar to spinach mixed with cucumber when cooked, and is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium. This plant also contains stinging properties like Stinging Nettle, and is in the same family (Urticaceae). Benefits. Habitat. If you’re wild-harvesting nettle, look for it near stream banks and ponds, and in low, shady areas. The plant usually grows between two to four feet high and blooms from June to September. Just find the right spot, establish your nettle patch, and enjoy. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a perennial plant originally native to Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia but now found worldwide.There are six subspecies of the plant, five that actually "sting" you via hairs on the leaves and stems. There is a common idea in Great Britain that the nettle was introduced by the Romans. They look healthy and full of life. Touching a nettle plant with bare skin will produce a stinging or burning sensation. [27] The idea was mentioned by William Camden in his book Britannia of 1586. tall nettle. Do not confuse these plants with dead nettle (Lamium maculatum), a harmless perennial plant used in shade gardens. Increase Your Energy Levels: Nettles are used as a traditional spring tonic to strengthen and support the entire body. Preserving Nettle Plants. For the Australian plant, see, Species of flowering plant in the family Urticaceae, Poultry: Egg yolk colouring in laying hens. Don’t use it on a given garden bed or potted plant more often than about once every 3 to 4 weeks. It couldn ’ t spread out axillary inflorescences ] stinging nettle plants `` stinging is... Voluntary intake can be harvested for eating any time except when it meets the body... Ruminants avoid fresh stinging nettles fresh stinging nettles are used in Albania as part the! June 4, 2020 from someone who is very familiar with both.. 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