Great for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Seachem Matrix Bio Nitrate Reactor Media 1 Liter. Although de nitrate™ has capacity to trap nitrate, this, as with other nitrate retaining materials, such as certain zeolites and synthetic resins, is quite limited and the primary mechanism of nitrate removal is anaerobic. de*nitrate™ works best if it is the only media used in the reactor other than a sponge filter. Reef Reactor™ is a high-purity source of aragonite, which supplies all important elements for optimal ionic balance and robust coral growth and coloration in reef aquaria. Obviously, the latter would be the simpler method. Seachem Laboratories; 1000 Seachem Drive, Madison, GA 30650, USA; 706-343-6060 | 888-SEACHEM; Tech Support: 888-732-0003; Office hours: Monday- Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST The thing was simple to hook up and is working like a champ! “Live” rocks or reef rocks remove nitrate by anaerobic denitrification. Sizes: 250 mL ... Seachem Reef Reactor Md Seachem De-nitrate; This brand comes with high porosity that is especially adept at supporting the reproduction of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that further eliminate these lethal tank byproducts. You MUST use slow flow of 20 to 40 gallons per hour, 25 to 35 GPH is the sweet spot. I've got to get my nitrates down! Seachem Laboratories Denitrate de*nitrate™ is an economical, natural, porous material with a pore distribution and geometry that promotes both aerobic nitrification within the first few millimeters of depth and anaerobic denitrification at the core. Seachem DeNitrate Product Description. Extreme surface area. Nitrate reactor media. Use 4 to 5 times more than Seachem instructions if you have high PPMs. It has a grain size of approximately 0.5–1 cm (Reef Reactor™ Lg is 1 - 3 cm). I use a large media reactor by Avast that holds 4 liters and use a ball valve over half closed in front of it to throttle the flow. Seachem de nitrate™ Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media Overview de nitrate™ is an economical, natural, porous material with a pore distribution and geometry that I set up this little system using Seachem De*nitrate, two fishes 150 reactor, a simple fountain pump rated @ 63gph, a dc motor control circuit to adjust the speed of the pump, and a dc power supply. Supports denitrifying bacteria in a nitrate reactor. Nitrate Reactor found in: BRS Biopellet Reactor Combo Kit, De-nitrate Biological Filtration Media, BR-70 Biopellet Combo Pack - Reef Octopus, BR-140 Biopellet Combo Pack - Reef Octopus, BRS Bulk Biopellets, Xport-BIO Biomedia.. Am considering adding denitrate to my sump and am wondering if it would be best to put it in a reactor with very slow flow, or to put it in a bag in the sump with little or no flow, to act much like a deep sand bed. Read more. Although de*nitrate™ has capacity to trap nitrate, this, as with other nitrate retaining materials, such as certain zeolites and synthetic resins, is quite limited and the primary mechanism of nitrate removal is anaerobic. Contact Us. Matrix is a highly porous media designed to provide exceptionally efficient bio filtration for single site reactor of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate from freshwater, marine, and reef aquaria. Research the products you use carefully.
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