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Humbaba- God of the cedar forest. The ziggurat at Ur, the only one left of such structures remaining from ancient Summer, was a temple dedicated to the Moon. Rising at first light, Nergal, the ancient Sumerian god of war and pestilences, likes to spend several hours each morning in the perfection of his deadly skills. Among the Assyrians and Babylonians, the "sun"-god par excellence was the well-known figure Shamash, the "light of the gods". Sin had a beard made of lapis lazuli and rode on a winged bull. Today is A here is all main Gods and Goddess with the letter A! "AN" the chief Sumerian god symbolized by a star. Mound (house of the holy mound) EDUKU. In Sumerian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures of Ancient Sumer and Their Importance to the Sumerians, you'll find the following Sumerian myths and topics covered. Anu, the sky god, is also known as An. Dingir Xul = Evil God. 2. The Sumerian revered Enlil out of both fear and gratitude. Goddess of life and healing, she is the daughter of the dog star Sirius and is often shown to be His twin sister is Artemis. In Akkadian culture he was called ama, and was the son of Anu or Enlil and his wife was Aya (Black and Green, 182-4; Horry). Gula- Sumerian goddess of healing. He is the god of wisdom, farming, building, magic and crafts. Girru- Akkadian god of light and fire. Hence, "KIA" is pronounced "keeya"; "KAIMANU" is pronounced "ka-ee-mah-nu". The Ancient Mesopotamian's were polytheistic, which means they believe in multiple Gods. Aveta (Gaulish) - Goddess of fertility, childbirth and midwives, also linked to fresh water. god, second only to Jupiter, and he has agricultural as well as military associations. Sumerian myths, we noted earlier, say that the rites and standards of "kingship" descended from the central luminary An, founder of the Golden Age. Creational Myth 1. The major deities in the Sumerian pantheon included An, the god of the heavens, Enlil, the god of wind and storm, Enki, the god of water and human culture, Ninhursag, the goddess of fertility and the earth, Utu, the god of the sun and justice, and his father Nanna, the god of the moon. Edin Na Zu = Go to the desert! Semitic texts describe Nusku as the king of the night, who illuminates the darkness and repels the demons of the dark. ama the all-seeing ama (Sumerian Utu) is the god of the sun. The Sumerian God of Storms and the son of An and Ki. Sumerian Gods. Spirit God Of The Sky, Remember! Her symbols include the moon, the bow and arrow, and the deer. His symbols are the Bull, the crescent and the tripod. All nations outside of Rome were considered Devil worshippers. Not one Sumerian astrologers name is left to us. The story of creation as found in Genesis is quite similar to the Sumerian creation account with regard to the scientific basis of both narrations. (Sumerian Female) Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, and political power, equivalent to the Akkadian and Babylonian goddess *Ishtar*. Though almost every culture uses solar motifs, only a relatively few cultures (Egyptian, Indo-European, and Meso-American) developed solar religions. Light Is Good: Sherida/Aya was viewed as a giver and sustainer of light and life. His father was Sin (Sumerian: Nanna), the moon god. (a form of exorcism) Gelal = Incubus. Edin Na Zu = Go to the desert! Ur, which meant the City of Light, was devoted to the Moon-god Nannar. At sunrise ama was known to emerge from his underground sleeping chamber and take a daily path across the skies [Image 1]. Klein 2001, "The genealogy of Nanna-Suen". And this morning, as Alyson is about to discover, Nergal prefers that his targets be able to feel pain. Barra! A light deity is a god or goddess in mythology associated with light and/or day. Since stars give off light, star deities can also be included here. He is the god of the sun and patron of civilized arts associated with light: truth, prophecy, poetry, and the lyre (that is, what today we would call classical music). Rhiannon (Celtic) - A Goddess of fertility, the moon, night, and death. Common Sumerian words for magickal purposes. Bast (Egyptian) - The cat headed Goddess was associated with both fertility and childbirth. Lucifer became the catchall term for the Devil, and bearers of the teachings of light. Her twin brother is Apollo. Such similarities should not be surprising given that the moon provided the light of the night-time, as the sun did for the day (Krebernik 1993-98b: 374-7). After seven days and nights, the sun god Utu comes out and shines his light on the heaven and earth. As a powerful solar deity, Shamash, whose consort was the goddess Aya, exercised the power of light over darkness and evil. Girra is the god of fire and light (see e.g., Foster 2005: 660-663). 3. Sadarnuna (Sumerian) - Goddess of the new moon. Hadad (or Adad) - storm and rain god; Enlil (or Ashur) - god of air, head of the Assyrian and Sumerian pantheon; Anu (or An) - god of heaven and the sky, lord of constellations, and father of the gods; Dagon (or Dagan) - god of fertility; Enki (or Ea) - god of the Abzu, crafts, water, intelligence, mischief and creation and divine ruler of the Earth and its humans Ziusudra either drills a hole in the boat or opens a window to let the sun's rays in. Enki, or Ea (Akkadian), is the Mesopotamia god of fresh waters known as apsu. Alla Xul = Evil God. Bendis (Greek) - One of several Greek fertility Goddesses. She was the Mesopotamian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, and political power, the East Semitic (Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian) counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna, and a cognate of the Northwest Semitic goddess Astarte and the Armenian goddess Astghik. Nabu/Nebo/Nabium, God of Scribes and Wisdom. Shamash as An/Anu/Utu was not only the bringer of light but the arbiter of justice. Chup Kamui, a lunar goddess who switched places with her brother to become goddess of the Sun A personification of the morning and evening star. These gods became part of a single family (Pantheon) of divinities; known to the Sumerians as the Annunaki.The sumerian word for Heaven or Sky is An.The ruler god of the sky and heavens was known also as "An" to the Sumerians (Anu to the Babylonians) An(Anu) meaning Heaven/sky Na meaning And Ki meaning Earth Called Mulliltu in Assyria, Ninlil is the wife of Enlil. She carried torches to light the way, and swords and wore a bright shimmering headdress. Later, by 2500 BC (according to Sumeriologist Samuel Noah Kramer) Enki had been recast as the Babylonian god Ea. She is dark and violent, and possibly was once a sky goddess. Most of the myths featuring Shamash emphasize his He proposed the Babylonian goddess Tiamat who fought Marduk of Babylon in the Enuma Elish as being Eden's serpent's pre-biblical prototype. Sarpandit (Sumerian) - Goddess of moonrise. Artemis - Goddess of the hunt, archery, and animals. The Goddess Hecate Hecate: Ancient Earth and Moon Goddess Hecate may have been related to the Sumerian Goddess of Death and Magic. And this morning, as Alyson is about to discover, Nergal prefers that his targets be able to feel pain. Whoever can get their god to light their sacrifice on fire wins, proving that their god 77. For example, the Sumerian god of the sun Utu became Shamash for the Akkadians. These tales of the world's very first civilization is now being exposed to the light of day, fascinating men and women around the world. In countless texts and symbolic representations Shamash is depicted as the ruling light and god of the day. Contents hide. The stories of Enlil, Enkidu, and Gilgamesh are finding new audiences. BABBAR - Another name for Utu/Shamash, the sun god, meaning "illumination" or "The Illuminating One". The gods were all different, so lets now have a look at some of the most famous ancient Mesopotamian deities. 72.Ereshkigal - meaning "lady of the great earth". He was the oldest god in the Sumerian pantheon, and part of a triad including Enlil, god of the sky and Enki, god of water. Ninlil, the Goddess of Wind. brought to light. Symbol: Crescent Moon, Bull Consort: Ningal Cult City: Ur Main Sanctuary:E-gish-shir-gal (House of the Great Light) Unlike most ancient cultures that primarily had moon goddesses, Nanna is the moon-god born to Enlil and Ninlil. Perilous Thoughts. She was a Sumerian goddess of love and war. Major Deities. Light 'em Up: Sherida/Aya was the goddess of light, and was particularly associated with the sunlight at dawn. Mount (to mount) SAHATU. Far from an evil, ugly, dark, hooded hag, Hecate was originally depicted clothed in light. Gigim Xul = Evil Spirit. 76. Meduranki oracle of Duranki. The goddess Inanna was the most important female deity of the ancient period. Nammu, Represents the primeval sea from which she gave birth to the heavens (An) and to the earth mother (Ki). Sin ("lord of wisdom") (Nanna) is the God of the Moon and was regarded as the head of the pantheon. Each Sumerian Shrine was named after a single god. Primarily he was called By this time the world had come into being, for the sky (An) by expansion of air (Enlil) had reached a great height, and the earth (Ki) had made a solid floor below, with sun and moon to bring light. Nusku, in Mesopotamian religion, Sumero-Akkadian god of light and fire. In Mesopotamian mythology, Gugalanna (lit. More to come shortly and afterwards I will write each of them their own page! Common Sumerian words for magickal purposes. Heaven and Earth were once a mountain that rose out of the primeval Sea. Also known as Ishtar. One of the central Sumerian myths, the story of Inanna and Dumuzi, shows how part of the ancient mythology survived in later cultures. "Enki Nibirukoff" is better known as the Sumerian god of science, Enki, and Enuma elish has been explained by Assyriologists as an allegorical myth. 1 Kings 18 has my favorite story of Baal. She was Sumerian Goddess of death and the underworld. On Babylonian boundary stones he is identified by a lamp. Rising at first light, Nergal, the ancient Sumerian god of war and pestilences, likes to spend several hours each morning in the perfection of his deadly skills. Goddess of Sex and War . 78. Her most prominent symbols include the eight-pointed star and the lion. The exception is Inanna, the goddess of life and fertility, whose descent to Ereshkigals underworld is believed to be one of the most known Sumerian myths. Functions. Inanna is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power. Godchecker guide to Aya (also known as Aja), the Akkadian Goddess of Dawn from Mesopotamian mythology. Mountains HURSANU or HURSAG or GABRI. At night, Shamash became the judge of the underworld. In Babylonian myth the Sumerian An appears as Anu, first in the line of gods and kings. BABA - Also known as Bau or Bawa, she was the Sumerian goddess of Lagash, a local mother goddess and fertility goddess known as `Mistress of Animals' and `Lady of Abundance'. Apollo is the son of Zeus and the goddess Leto. Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of war and fertility. She is the Mesopotamian equivalent of Aphrodite and is associated with the planet Venus, just as most goddesses of beauty. Then to see better, Enlil begot the moon-god Nanna, who in turn begot the sun-god Utu, presumably to make the light brighter. As well as Gods and Goddesses, they also believed in creatures such as demons, monsters and evil spirits which were created by the Gods. Study o fthe Sumerian temple and gods in the light of the Agama and Tantric scriptures. The woman in the center encircled by the 4 figures is most likely a reference to the Sumerian goddess Inanna. MardukSnake-Dragon, Symbol of Marduk, the Patron God of Babylon. Panel from the Ishtar Gate, 604-562 BCE, glazed earthenware She was the goddess of love, war, and female fertility. T he Apostle Paul describes the origin of idolatry in Romans 1:21-25, saying men forsook God, and sank into ignorance and moral corruption (Romans 1:28).People worshipped and paid divine honor to created images rather than the one true God (), the Creator of the universe.. Forms of idolatry. If you need a light-weight intro into the subject, maybe start here. Enlil (the air god) separated heaven from earth in the Sumerian. Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, fertility and war. The Ancient Mesopotamians worshiped these beings to keep them happy. Inanna, goddess of light, life, and fertility, was ready to choose a husband. He is so bright that a certain brand of electric light bulb is named in his honor. Her name means 'night queen'. Enlil (or Ashur) - god of air, head of the Assyrian and Sumerian pantheon Anu (or An) - god of heaven and the sky, lord of constellations, and father of the gods Dagon (or Dagan) - god of fertility Enki (or Ea) - god of the Abzu, crafts, water, intelligence, mischief and creation and divine ruler of the Earth and its humans Judges 3:7). Various myths link these two. His symbols include the sun, the bow and arrow, and the lyre. Dagan or Dagon the God of Crop Fertility. The light of the sun was thought to be able to penetrate and pierce every level of the earth, even to the underworld, and illuminate the human heart. An was the supreme Sumerian god of the heavens, the father of Enlil and Enki. Bona Dea (Roman) - Goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women. Shapash - Phoenician Goddess whose name meant torch or light of the Gods." Duranki was a sacred precinct of the city of Nippur. Sumerian Gods and Goddess: Abzu and Tiamat [ Biography ] [ Encyclopedia ] [ References ] Introduction. The Sumerians and Ninhursag (also Ninhursaga) is the Sumerian Mother Goddess and one of the oldest and most important in the Mesopotamian Pantheon.She is known as the Mother of the Gods and Mother of Men for her part in creating both divine and mortal entities, having replaced the earlier Mother Goddess, Nammu (also known as Namma) whose worship is attested as early as Dynastic III (2600-2334 BCE) Sun worship, veneration of the sun or a representation of the sun as a deity, as in Atonism in Egypt in the 14th century BCE. These are symbolic metaphors of duality such as good evil, black, white, positive negative, light Then he kisses the ground before Utu (prostrating himself) and sacrifices sheep and oxen in thanksgiving for his deliverance. In one, Inanna enters the underworld and can only escape by killing Dumuz so he can take her place. Moreover, Inanna enters the underworld in an unsuccessful attempt to deceitfully take power over the abyss of Ereshkigal. We are very honored to have some amazing speakers this year. Shamash, as the solar deity, exercised the power of light over darkness and evil. Scientists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have tracked down a genetic mutation, which took place 6-10,000 years ago, and is the cause of the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today.It is possible that some Sumerians did have blue eyes, but if that was the case it is unlikely it was many people. Enki was the Sumerian god of water and wisdom and the keeper of the Me, the divine laws. He thus became the god of She was also the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk, which was her main cult center. She was originally worshiped in Sumer under the name "Inanna", and was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians under the name Ishtar. Two men wanted to marry herEnkimdu, a farmer, and Dumuzi, a shepherd. Eanna temple in Uruk: Equatorial sky: An (in Sumerian), later known as Anu or Ilu (in Spirit God Of the Earth, Remember! Alla Xul = Evil God. Enheduanna, daughter of the Mesopotamian king Sargon, was a priestess appointed by her father, and she wrote hymns to Inanna. The oldest known song, written with both words and musical notation, comes from the remains of the ancient city of Ugarit in Syria. Girra (god) God of fire and light, Girra accompanied Mesopotamians in their daily lives. Dumuzi (Sumerian origin), means "loyal child". Solntse - Slavic sun Goddess. Enki is depicted as a bearded man surrounded by flowing water (Foster, 151). In addition to being a solar Goddess she was also able to travel through the realms of the dead. He is disposed to mankind and plays a central role in many epics, so his character and abilities are well known: he represents intelligence and technical capabilities. She was worshiped from the third millennium B.C. Nammu is the Sea goddess that surrounded the Earth. Adad or Ishkur - god of storms, venerated as a supreme power especially in Syria and Lebanon 5. Ki, The Earliest Sumerian earth Goddesses. An 2 m Sumerian Mythology Means "heaven, sky" in Sumerian. Traditionally, and from the earliest Inanna f Sumerian Mythology Possibly derived from Sumerian nin-an-a(k) meaning "lady of the heavens", from meaning "lady" and the genitive form of meaning "heaven, sky". Inanna: Goddess of love, war, and fertility. A personification of the morning and evening star. Also known as Ishtar Ki: The Earliest Sumerian earth Goddesses. Nammu: Represents the primeval sea from which she gave birth to the heavens (An) and to the earth mother (Ki). Despite this rather dark association, the raven has been a symbol of much finer attributes in various cultures across the world. He is the messenger of the gods. Its name was also Sumerian < dur bond, amulet and umbilical cord + an sky + ki earth. Adad or Hadad the God of Storm and Rain. Sumer people), no other deity had more influence in their lives She may have been in some traditions the offspring of Nammu were originally An (the heavens or sky,) and Ki, (the Earth). Mesopotamian mythology is the collective name given to Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian mythologies from parts of the fertile crescent, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Zagros mountains. In this capacity, he became known as the god of justice and equity and was the judge of both gods and men. He is God of Arts and Crafts - what the ancients called Wisdom. (Akkad. The female, Inanna, was a goddess of erotic love and fertility. Inanna and Ereshkigal have never been good friends. Gibil- Sumerian god of light and fire. In Sumerian mythology, An was the god whose name was synonymous with the sun's zenith, or heaven. She descended into the underworld where the ruler of that place, her sister Ereshkigal, had her killed. The Bible mentions the separation of light and dark, which the Sumerian does not. Anu is the Sumerian sky-God, the supreme deity of the Sumerian pantheon. She was originally worshiped in Sumer under the name "Inanna", and was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians under the name Ishtar. ANU (AN) Among the Sumerians (i.e. My research reveals the Sumerian god of Eridug, Enki, bore the epithet ushumgal "great serpent." Alal = Destroyer. Ningal, the Sumerian and Akkadian goddess, is known as Nikkal in Phoenician and Aramaic. In Judges 6 Gideon tears down a statue of Baal to effectively start a revolution against the oppressing Midianites. Thus, their child, the moon god Sin could finally ascend the heavens in order to light the night sky. Ninurta The God of War, Hunting, Agriculture, and Scribes She was the most recognized female deity in her culture. Tiamat takes the form of a gigantic snake, and Marduk battles and defeats her using an arsenal of super-weapons. Similarly the Sumerian moon god Nanna became the Akkadian Sn while the Sumerian sun god Utu became the Akkadian Shamash. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish what meaning is intended (cf. He was called Anu by the Akkadians, rulers of Mesopotamia after the conquest of Sumer in 2334 BCE by King Sargon of Akkad. Ishtar was the goddess of love, fertility, and sex in Mesopotamia. Sin - Moon God. The mountain's peak reached into Heaven and its base was the Earth. There are no silent syllables in Sumerian. Ereshkigal- Sumerian and Akkadian goddess of the dead. Mountain SADU or SHADU or KUR. An was heaven, and Ki was Earth. It is interesting that Nannar the moon-god was a male, not a female goddess. Some accounts suggest that the oldest known imagery of the caduceus has its roots in a Mesopotamian origin with the Sumerian god Ningishzida; whose symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 BC to 3000 BC. The male god Dumuz appears to have originally been Dumuzi, a mythical Sumerian king of Erech who reigned sometime in the third millenium after Lugulbanda. He is served by the vizier Sha or Isimud (Akkad. Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, is a Mesopotamian goddess representing love, beauty, sex, justice, war, and political power. Shala is a Sumerian goddess and a mountain on Venus, the Shala Mons, has been named after her. Agriculture and compassion are co-related when it comes to Sumerian mythology as a bountiful harvest shows the compassion of the gods. Shala is said to be the wife of Dagon, the god of fertility, and consort to Hadad, the storm god. The moon god's wife is the goddess Ningal (Akk. Dingir Xul = Evil God. In this one, Elijah and the 450 priests of Baal have a contest. Barra = Begone. This pregnant Goddess's name means "silver shining" referring to the reflective quality of the moon. Godchecker guide to Aya (also known as Aja), the Akkadian Goddess of Dawn from Mesopotamian mythology. Our presenters will shed light on why Mesopotamia has relevance for Paganism today. Enjoy! She was also the original dark chaos out of which everything formed. (a form of exorcism) Gelal = Incubus. Sumerian history and mythology have been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years. Nanna-Suen: God of moon and wisdomNanna-Suen, the god of the Moon is also known as Nanna, Sin, Inbu, Namrasit, and Asimbabbar depending upon the places The name " AN " changed to " ANU " 1500 years later with the Babylonians. Enki first impregnates the goddess Ninhursag, or, to give her one of her other names, Nintu, the Sumerian goddess who in an earlier day may have been identical with Ki, the mother earth. He is the ancestor and the respected father of all gods. Akhkharu = Vampire. His cuneiform sign (dingir) was prefixed to the names of other deities in writing, though it was not pronounced. According to Sumerian mythology, Mesopotamians believed in many Goddesses and Gods, so in Mesopotamia's religion and Sumerian mythology, there are many worshipped deities. The Enuma Elish is the earliest written creation myth, in which the God Marduk battles the chaos Goddess Tiamat and her evil minions. Raven is a scavenger bird that has primarily been associated with battlefields, where it appears to pick at mangled remains of the fallen soldiers. Dumuzid (Sumerian origin) means "variant of Dumuzi". (According to legend, the Babylonian king Hammurabi received his code of laws from Shamash.) Apollo - Greek god of archery, music, light, and prophecy. Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa! In the Bible air (expanse) separates the waters above (vapor canopy, mist, rain, whatever) from the waters below (sea), instead of heaven and earth. The name 'Enuma Elish' is derived from the first two words of the myth, meaning 'When in the Height'. As we move into our festival, we encourage you to find out more about the links between more modern pagan cultures and the inspiration that they derived from Sumerian religion and mythology. Erra- God of war, death and other disasters. A study of the Sumerian moon-god. An (Chinese origin) means "heaven, sky". Ningal, the Sumerian and Akkadian goddess, is known as Nikkal in Phoenician and Aramaic. Alal = Destroyer. Bau. As The Wise Lord and God above all other Gods, Ahura Mazda was and still is worshiped by Zoroastrians as the Lord of Truth, Creator of the Universe and Source of All Good Things. Enlil made sure that decrees made by the assemlby of the Gods were carried out against Mankind. She is regarded as one of the most important deities of the Mesopotamian pantheon, and is known primarily as a goddess of sexual love, though she is also has the reputation of being a goddess of war. She gave herself to the first mythological king of Sumer, Dumuzi. 79. Ea the God of Water 1. But she usually appears as the sister of Enlil. Blue Eyes Were A Sign From The Gods. Although she is regarded as a virgin, Inanna is a goddess responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility. The name means, " Sky " In my writings The 12th Planet (1976) and Genesis Revisted (1990) I have shown that the text is in fact a sophisticated cosmogony that explains most of the solar system's enigmas. Mountainhead for all the Lands EHURSAGKALAMMA. Each day for the next 26 days I will post all God's and Goddesses under the letter of that day! Name Deity Title Pantheon Abonsam Inanna is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power. Inanna. [3] Light can be thought of as both a wave and a particle. Enki first impregnates the goddess Ninhursag, or, to give her one of her other names, Nintu, the Sumerian goddess who in an earlier day may have been identical with Ki, the mother earth. 71.Enli l- where En, meaning "lord" and lil means "world". We must go back in time to study the gods that the Mesopotamians honored in the first period: 3,000BC to 2,000BC : 1. Evidence suggests Gigim Xul = Evil Spirit. He was of great importance to the Mesopotamians, almost as important as the S In Sumerian mythology, Ninhursag (or Ki) was the earth and mother-goddess. Shes also known as the rock-star Babylonian goddess Ishtar aka Venus. Barra = Begone. The Akkadian Empire held the region until the invasion of the Gutians who ruled until they were driven out by Ur-Nammu (r. 2047-2030 BCE) and his son Shulgi of Ur (r. 2029-1982 BCE) who were responsible for the so-called Sumerian Renaissance which saw a rebirth of Sumerian culture following the Akkadian and Gutian conquests. Akhkharu = Vampire. The Sumerian god d ENKI, Akkadian d Ea is the third deity mentioned in god lists and as such depicted in illustrations. The Sumerian word for god that originally was an ideogram for the Sumerian word sky or heaven was then extended to a logogram for the word (Dingir) (goddess or god).

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