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Let’s look at what can go well and what can make it harder to bear with than needed when running a business. Drag slider to position the part of the audio clip you’d like to snip & save. The government typically raises minimum wage as inflation increases. June 25, 2021. Since minimum wage, in many cases, does not cover basic necessities of life, many people that survive on minimum wage spend all – or virtually all – of the money that they make. While raising the minimum wage does have some advantages, it also has its disadvantages. The arguments for raising the minimum wages include – reduced in-work poverty, a reduction in inequality, an incentive to increase labour productivity and higher wages leading to increased economic growth. Reasons As To Why… Economic Stimulus More Opportunity For Jobs Reduced Expense for Social Programs Decreased Turnover Rate Inflation 3. Proponents argue that increasing the minimum wage to $15 also will benefit minority workers and women. Raising the minimum wage would decrease employee benefits and increase tax payments. Share Lending Tree: The Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage on Google + Reddit Lending Tree: The Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage! the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage Thе debate оvеr raising the minimum wаgе has bееn a hоt tорiс аftеr Prеѕidеnt Obama еxрlаinеd in hiѕ 2014 Stаtе оf thе Uniоn Address thаt he intеndѕ tо rаiѕе thе minimum wаgе from $7.25 tо $10.10 реr hour, аn inсrеаѕе оf over 40 percent. Guaranteed Income History in the US In fact, there have been a number of attempts at getting UBI off the ground in the U.S. The minimum wage … In July 2019, the issue was thrust back to the center of the U.S. political stage when the Raise the Wage Act was passed in Congress. 1. The bill proposes to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to … It allows workers to have a wage that keeps pace with the rate of inflation. 1126 Words5 Pages. Economic Stimulus. Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage. 3.8 million workers were paid at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 in 2011. State senator Eddie Melton representing the Gary area says this change needs to happen sooner than later. I n September, California’s legislature approved a bill raising the state’s minimum wage from $8 an hour to $10 an hour, becoming the first state in the nation to surpass the double-digit minimum wage threshold.. Businesses are seeking other avenues to account for rising labor costs. Increased wages and spending raise demand and create more jobs. Recurrent debates over this topic convinced many people to believe raising the minimum wage is the key for financial problems. creating an “ever-widening circle … There has always been a controversy of doing so has or not, how ever there is always some advantages and disadvantages in such topics as such. 25. Economic Stimulus Minimum wage increase will… These numbers come from looking at the current poverty rates of low wage workers, in particular. 2. Here's a 360-degree look at what benefits … In fact, as a result of the nearly 300 minimum-wage increases that took place between 2016 and 2020, many McDonald’s restaurants paid workers slightly above the new minimum wage to retain employees. Pre-COVID, some state minimum wages were on the rise with California getting up to $11 an hour. A raise in minimum wage can be spent by the consumers and this will then ripple throughout the entire economy once the whole budgets for the salary will be increased under gradual raise in the scenario of minimum wage. 1294 Words6 Pages. 00:00:00. Doyle says: “Since 1938, when minimum wage was first introduced (at a rate of $0.25 an hour), federal minimum wage has increased 22 times.”. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour has not changed since 2009. the arguments for raising the minimum wage. minimum wage for his employees, more than doubling the average wage in the. Help to employees and their families: Other than being able to purchase more items, employees and their families benefit from a minimum wage increase because it helps them with price inflation and an inevitable increase to the cost of living. The pros and cons of raising the minimum wage in 2020 [And why you should] In most — if not all — developed countries in the world, there is a minimum wage in place to protect workers, and these protections are usually enshrined in federal industrial relations laws. 11 Businesses find other ways to offset higher labor costs. The 5 Pros of Raising the Minimum Wage 1. The required change would give the $8 an hour worker a 12.5 percent raise, while raising the pay of the presumably less valued co-worker by twice that percentage. Increase unemployment rate: If the minimum wage rate increases, companies will be forced to layoffs workers or hire fewer workers in entry levels and reduce labor cost. When the federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 per hour in 2009, it had risen 41% in total value since 2005. The pros and cons of a minimum wage increase. Pros. Employees have more spending money to put back into the local economy. All businesses are required to offer the same minimum wage and must face equal increases in labor expenses. Employee turnover may decrease, bringing down training and restaffing costs. Pros of Raising the Minimum Wage. The purpose of minimum wage laws is to prevent employers from exploiting desperate workers. It provides an incentive to find work Most of the time, those working in low-wage jobs lack certain skills and others may not have the necessary educational requirements for more technical jobs. It provides an incentive to find work Most of the time, those working in low-wage jobs lack certain skills and others may not have the necessary educational requirements for more technical jobs. Raising the minimum wage will help those in poverty because each minimum wage worker will get a pay increase and be able to rise above the poverty line. The $15 minimum wage debate continues to reverberate across the country. 1. Currently the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Economic stimulus is just one of many pros to increasing the minimum wage. If these minimum wage employees are spending more, then businesses … The Effects of Boosting Hawaii’s Minimum Wage. An Omaha lawmaker in 2021 proposed raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour, increasing the rate $1 a year until 2032. With the minimum wage being raised it’ll make it easier for people who work full-time to pay their bills and to pay for the necessities they need. Verdict on The Pros and Cons of Raising The Minimum Wage to $15 The minimum wage rate is the lowest hourly pay that can be awarded to workers, also known as a pay floor. The primary objective of increasing the minimum wage is to discourage employers from exploiting their workers through low pay. The $15-per-hour option would increase wages for 17 million workers, but the CBO is less certain about the job effects. This means that the cost of housing food, clothing, utilities, and even gas will rise. The debate over raising the federal minimum wage isn't as cut-and-dried an issue as it might appear. McClendon proposed a bill to raise the minimum wage to $8.75 in 2016 and $10.10 by 2017 or an adjusted minimum wage, which would be calculated once a … The debate over raising the federal minimum wage isn't as cut-and-dried an issue as it might appear. Pros and Cons of Canceling Student Loan Debt. Raising the standard of living : With low-income earners generating more money, they will have more purchasing power and will be able to adopt a higher standard of living, raising the standard of living overall. And California is set to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour in January 2022.

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