louisiana confederate pension records

Louisiana Union Records The State Archives maintains the National Archives and Records Administration microfilm Compiled State Departments of Archives and History, Confederate Records, if certified. FamilySearch. The names include many individuals who did not serve in Tennessee units, but who later lived in Tennessee at the time he or she applied for the pension. You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. On 16 March 1870, Louisiana Gov. at a cost of $20.00 per individual and application. If you are fortunate enough to have a Confederate Ancestor with a pension, you may find a wealth of information in them similar to the Union pensions. Louisiana Confederate Civil War Service Records (at Fold3) contains scanned documents of the service records from National Archives microfilm publication M320 (you can obtain copies of the records online for a fee) note: some service records can be 20-30 pages long Booth's Index to Louisiana Confederate Soldiers . Submit materials to the Louisiana Military File Manager, T. D. Hudson. Louisiana Civil War Query Forum. Mississippi Civil War Records Online: Mississippi Confederate Veterans and Widows … U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865. Go to these sites: Louisiana Page, USGenWeb Project Archives Louisiana Page, USGenWeb Project Louisiana Confederate pension applications, 1898-1950. https://FamilySearch.org : 5 March 2021. Louisiana State Archives Vital Records Search. Civil War Records in Louisiana. Pension Application Records Louisiana began issuing pensions to veterans of the Confederacy and widows of veterans in 1898. Ordering Records. The closest person to your Samuel Capps on the Louisiana Pension Records is a Solomon Capps. Pensions for Civil War veterans and widows did not begin until 1898 and only required that the veteran or widow be impoverished. Civil War and Later Veterans Pension Index 1860-1934 … War of 1836-38-M241. Crestleaf is a free online family tree builder that has been used by tens of thousands of people to document their family history. Quick State Facts Includes Clerk of Court addresses. for Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and/or their Widows. Helpful Websites for Louisiana Military Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865 Confederate Pensions, 1898-1950 Mississippi. Index and images of applications for pensions filed by Confederate veterans and widows living in the state of Louisiana. All Military in the Card Catalog Civil War Pensions By State. Land Grants to Georgia Revolutionary War Veterans Muster and Pay Rolls of the War of the Revolution, 1775-1783: Miscellaneous Records Revolutionary … This index contains over 49,000 names that were included in the applications submitted to the Board of Pension Commissioners. Click here to Search the Confederate Pension Applications Database. History and Genealogy Books. Roland R. Stansbury, Director Young-Sanders Center Franklin, Louisiana Index Maryland State Archives Military Indexes and Finding Aids 1. You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. In 1920, Andrew B. Booth, the Commissioner of Louisiana Military Records, published his multi-volume set, "Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands".Even more than eighty years later, it remains an invaluable source in searching for documentation of Louisiana Confederate soldiers. (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Graves Registry. Sons of Confederate Veterans. Directory. TNG-The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© ("TNG") is a powerful way to manage and display your family tree on your own website, all without generating any static HTML. Confederate Pensions Records Alabama Arkansas, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Missouri. Mississippi Department of Archives and History P.O. In 1886 the State began granting pensions to veterans' widows. muster rolls, returns, rosters, payrolls, appointment books, hospital registers, Union prison registers The Louisiana State Archives: Confederate Pension Applications Index Database can be found on our website (www.sos.la.gov) and is searchable by first and last name. Home. Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops: 56th-138th USCT Infantry, 1864-1866 Fold3 . Index of Confederate Pension Applications, Commonwealth of Kentucky (Frankfort, KY: Division of Archives and Records Management, Department of Library and Archives, 1978). Online: Telephone: 225-922-1000 In 1898 Louisiana began granting pensions to indigent Confederate veterans or their widows. Online: Civil War and Later Veterans Pension Index 1860-1900 Fold3 . For more information please use this LINK The Table below shows: Name / Reel No. As a continuing service to the men who served with the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment, this web site is presenting hours of searching through the list of men who applied for Confederate Pension Benefits and/or their Widows who applied for Widow's. Salt Lake City, Utah : Digital capture by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 2010. His wife Louisa Hines Capps submitted an application in his name. La Div SCV- records. Confederate War Index-M378, 31 Rolls. Louisiana State Archives: Confederate Pension Applications Index. Confederate Pension Database. Please help other genealogists by donating any records of Louisiana Confederate or Union military units during the War Between the States to the Louisiana USGenWeb Archives Project. Louisiana in the Revolutionary War American Local History Network 1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services Databases Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.) Louisiana Units in Confederate Service. FamilySearch.org Free Census search and Name search. Limited pension records are available from the UDC Business Office for a fee (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Searches Google Book Search and Site Search. Find your family tree at OneGreatFamily.com. US – United States Western States Marriage Index, index 2. Towns and Cities of Louisiana. Louisiana The Louisiana State Archives, holds the records for Confederate pensions for veterans and widows in Louisiana. Introduction: In this article – part of an ongoing “Introduction to Genealogy” series – Gena Philibert-Ortega shows some of the many sources available to research your Confederate Civil War ancestor, including military service records and pension records. About Louisiana, U.S., Confederate Pensions, 1898-1950 This collection includes Confederate pension records from Louisiana. These include compiled service records, pension records, rosters, cemetery records, Internet databases, published books, etc. In 1898 Louisiana began granting pensions to indigent Confederate veterans or their widows. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America, also known as “the Confederacy.”. In 1867 Alabama began granting pensions to Confederate veterans who had lost arms or legs. Genealogy 101: #22 Researching Your Confederate Civil War Ancestor. US – United States, Freedmen’s Bureau Marriages, 1861-1872, index & images 4. The American Civil War (1861—1865), also known as the War Between the States (among other names), was a civil war in the United States of America. Medal of Honor Citations Civil War Medal Of … Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops: Artillery Organizations Fold3 . About Louisiana, Confederate Pensions, 1898-1950 This collection includes Confederate pension records from Louisiana. This database is a compilation of military records (including state rosters, pension records, and regimental histories) of individual soldiers who served in the United States Civil War. The War Between the States . The Confederate Pension Applications Collection consists of alphabetically arranged pension applications for pensions that were granted to veterans and widows beginning in 1898, and are recorded on 152 reels of microfilm. Most Union soldiers (or their widows or other dependents) applied for a pension. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet. United States Civil War Records. Those records include: War of 1812-M229, 3 Rolls. US – United States, GenealogyBank Historic Newspaper Marriages, 1815-2011, index links to images 3. / … Civil War Soldiers Database National Park Service . It is a searchable database of Confederate veterans or their widows residing in Louisiana who applied for a Louisiana pension beginning in 1898. Database with images. In 1870, Imperial Calcasieu underwent the first of two reorganizations. Citing this Collection. Louisiana in the Civil War describes many Confederate and Union sources, specifically for Louisiana, and how to find them.. Louisiana Confederate Pension Index ~~Korean War: Korean War Fatal Casualties ~~Vietnam War: Vietnam War Fatal Casualties: Vital Records : FamilySearch: Louisiana Marriages 1816-1906 Louisiana Confederate Pension Applications Index ; Louisiana Confederate Pensions (at FamilySearch.org) MISSISSIPPI . Military Service Records-M320, 414 Rolls. Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. The May 3, 1912, issue of the American Press reported: "In on… New Hampshire, U.S., Civil War Service and Pension Records, 1861-1866 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., Slave Manifests, 1807-1860 Free New York Civil War Records (1861-65) "Louisiana Confederate Pensions, 1898-1950." This collection references specific pension records freely available through different project websites online. Using Virginia Civil War Records (Research Notes Number 14) Louisiana Archives Index: Confederate Pension Appilcation Records Index An index of the applications for a Confederate pension from the Louisiana State Archives.

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