examples of sentences starting with them

Now for the sentences. …complements the previous one, providing more support for the same idea. Opening lines don’t have to be loud, subtlety is just as effective. Summarize your topic sentences. Joseph is a good soccer player. Perhaps their teacher told them they should never write sentences that begin with conjunctions. So write like you want to write. Employment Letters Review a variety of letter samples for job seekers , including cover letters, interview thank-you letters, follow-up letters, job acceptance and rejection letters, resignation letters, appreciation letters, and more employment letter samples. A while ago, the same format was used; however, for this part, remove all of them. Step 1: Write a thesis statement. Sentences are made up of words. And no strict rules exists about how much you should tighten your sentences. Topic sentences aren’t the first or the last thing you write—you’ll develop them throughout the writing process. Look at your most recent writing. What is a clause? These will serve as your topic sentences. Examples of Cover Letter Opening Sentences As an information technology professional with high-level management experience in the IT industry, I learned that the best way to achieve success was to utilize the resources I had by employing well-defined objectives and an attitude of empowerment. Complex sentences are fascinating components of the English language. Having established the relationship … In the complex sentence examples shown below, the independent clause comes first. If both subjects or both verbs are the same, we can make two sentences into one simple sentence (= only one clause) with a compound subject or a compound verb. Opening Lines To Novels / Short Stories: Examples. When used properly, they can add depth to our writing. 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them) By Mark Nichol The sentence construction “(noun) (verb phrase) by (noun)” is known as passive voice or passive construction, because the true subject is relegated to the end of the sentence and is thus acted on, rather than acting, which often weakens the statement. Of course you’re motivated. In its simplest form, a clause in grammar is a subject plus a verb. 6. They can stand alone and express a complete thought. Printer Fabulous! Download our 5 ready-to-use alliteration worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of what alliteration is and how it can be used. Are you tired of short, direct, and simple sentences that seem to take forever to fill up a page? As shown in the examples above, eliminating filler words can significantly reduce your word count! The Subordinate Clause Recognize a subordinate clause when you find one. However, since they function as … In Year 1, children are expected to write sentences with two clauses joined by the word 'and.' Examples: I want some cereal. The subject is the entity “doing” the action of the sentence and the verb is the action that subject completes. Read your copy aloud. Adverbs can mystify writers because they have a number of different functions within the English language. 5. Before Starting Sentences with And or But, Consider Your Audience and Tone. So much for the preamble. Easy, right? …contradicts the previous one by presenting new evidence related to the previous discussion. On average, we’ve cut the word count of the sentences above by 25-30%. Read more: Qualifications Summary Examples . While it is acceptable to use such conjunctions to start a sentence, you should still use them carefully and efficiently, else your text might become choppy. A subordinate clause—also called a dependent clause—will begin with a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun.Like all clauses, it will have both a subject and a verb. Also known as coordinators, coordinating conjunctions are used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main clauses. You’re the writer. A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction. Example: Clearly, there is a significant correlation between the use of Marijuana and health risks that indicate that this substance should remain illegal. Styles and Examples of Concluding Sentences. Sentence Starters, Transitions, and Other Useful Words It can sometimes be difficult to start a sentence to express ideas or find words to show the relationship between ideas. Clause Definition: A clause consists of a subject and a verb and is the smallest grammatical unit that expresses a thought. A participle is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed.The term verbal indicates that a participle, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. The parts of speech are: Noun: A person, place or thing. Now imagine it 25-30% leaner by eliminating fillers alone. Nine Easy Steps to Longer Sentences. Use language that will add weight to your sentences. It’s your voice. Choose a resume … A what clause is a type of noun clause (or a free relative clause) that begins with the word what.In a declarative sentence—one of the most common applications for these clauses—a what clause, which functions as a noun, may serve as the subject (usually followed by a form of the verb be), subject complement, or object of a sentence. Alliteration Definition. Here’s a quick and simple definition: Alliteration is a figure of speech in which the same sound repeats in a group of words, such as the “b” sound in: “ B ob b rought the b ox of b ricks to the b asement.” The repeating sound must occur either in the first letter of each word, or in the stressed syllables of those words. This resource details some examples of transitional devices and how to use them. Yet, they have seen sentences beginning with conjunctions in … With a couple adverbs by your side, you can add further description, describe an action, or intensify the meaning of another word. As you can see, these synonyms all describe someone’s attractiveness, and whilst all of them do describe somebody as being attractive, some words carry with it slightly more weight, despite all of them essentially meaning the same thing. Tightening sentences is one of many tools in your writer’s toolbox. More specifically, they are made up of parts of speech. Coordinating conjunctions coordinate or join two or more sentences, main clauses, words, or other parts of speech which are of the same syntactic importance. In Year 2, children start learning about subordination and coordination and need to start using a main clause and subordinate clause (a complex sentence), joined by 'when,' 'if,' 'that' or 'because.' lliteration is a poetic technique or literary stylistic device where a series of words in a sentence have the same first consonant sound. Sometimes two sentences can be combined without needing to make a compound sentence. “Motivated a team of 12 to deliver results-focused and customer-oriented solutions.” Perfect Your Resume If you take a hard time to do this, reading the paragraph you have constructed aloud would be a great help. A concluding sentence can restate the discussion in a different way. Reviewing examples of adverbs and adverb phrases can help you identify them and use this part of speech effectively. Independent clauses are those that can stand alone as complete sentences. Short, clear sentences will grab your readers’ attention. In either case you can benefit by increasing the number of words in your sentences and the bulk of your writing. Simply choose the best 4-5 highlights from your resume and reword them into short bullet points. In certain cases, nor, yet, so, and for act as coordinating conjunctions. Having problems fitting the contents of your resume onto a one- or two-pages template? Compound sentences. Are you paid by the word? To make sure every topic sentence and paragraph serves your argument, follow these steps. Resume Headline . Write down all your topic sentences in summary form. Be careful you don’t chisel away the fascinating details and suck the life and energy out of your content. Marie likes cats. What is a Clause in a Sentence? Transition sentence This paragraph… Further evidence in support of this hypothesis is provided by Smith (2019). Examples: Jim enjoys skiing. Some examples of synonyms for attractive are – beautiful, fine, handsome, pretty. Amazing, right? Examples of Clauses: Independent Clauses are complete sentences. Use them as a starting point for your own business and career-related correspondence. However, Patel’s arguments are not the final word on the matter. A part of speech defines what a word does in a sentence. Use your verbs correctly, and your adjectives sparingly. Notice that in most examples there is no separation of the clauses by a comma, which is the general rule in complex sentences starting with an independent clause. Examples: Cat, table, king. Secondly, … While such a construction is certainly considered professional, sentences that begin with a coordinating conjunction sound less formal than those that begin with conjunctive adverbs, such as however, nevertheless, moreover, thus, and furthermore. However, the last example has a comma as it is an example of an extreme contrast. But, if you’ve been a leader, saying that you motivated people means you inspired them to get the job done on their own, instead of leading them to the finish line. Motivated can be an overused action verb. To understand easy English sentences, you need to break them down into even smaller parts. Complex sentences contain an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.. An independent clause has the ability to stand alone … Dependent Clauses contain a subject and a predicate, but they do not express a complete thought. The most common coordinating conjunctions are and, but, and or. Other Ways to Combine Sentences. Create your introduction. The OED gives examples ranging from the 10th to the 19th c.; the Bible is full of them. What is alliteration? Wait until you apply our other word-count reduction rules!

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