cochrane search strategy example

OBJECTIVE: Search strategies are essential for the adequate retrieval of studies in a systematic review (SR). The MEDLINE search strategy from each Cochrane Review was used to describe and evaluate those key principles that made reference to bibliographic database search strategies (e.g. Add the following lines to your search strategy to include only human studies and exclude animal studies (line numbers are examples only, line 8 = final search strategy before addition of human studies filter): MEDLINE (via PubMed) 8. For example, Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search (HSS) filter is recommended for retrieving RCTs in Cochrane SRs. COCHRANE INFECTIOUS DISEASES GROUP Guide to the search strategy Prepared by: Vittoria Lutje, CIDG Information Specialist Date: 3 August 2018 1. (Separate search words with OR and enclose in parentheses if all terms are on one line.) 6.4.11 Search filters. 10. Proximity search using NEAR: Use NEAR/ with a number to indicate proximity of terms either before or after each other. Strategy to 2020 aims to put Cochrane evidence at the heart of health decision-making all over the world.. Here is an example search strategy from Cochrane for the following research question: Is cognitive behaviour therapy a useful intervention in the prevention of postnatal depression? key principle 1, ‘Search terms used for web searching should be based on the search terms used for searching bibliographic databases’). Lines 1-3 are the MeSH terms &. Narrow the search using AND to combine terms (this will not often be necessary in Cochrane) Example: thrombosis and surgical patients. The Cochrane Style Manual should also be checked to ensure that the search methods sections of reviews and protocols are written in line with Cochrane house style. This section describes what sources are to be searched. It is split into two parts: Electronic Searches and Searching Other Resources. Each new version is searched as soon as it is published. The subject search will use a combination of controlled vocabulary and free text terms based on the search strategy for searching MEDLINE which can be seen in Appendix 1. You will see translated Review sections in your preferred language. We encourage all authors to cooperate with information scientists or librarians who might be available to them locally and to collaborate closely with the CMED group's Information Specialist (CIS), Maria-Inti Metzendorf ( Several groups have also developed pre-tested search filters. #2 MeSH descriptor BULIMIA this term only. Methods: detailed search strategies Search set CIDG SR1 CENTRAL MEDLINE2 EMBASE2 LILACS2 1 tuberculosis Tuberculosis [MeSH] Guidelines and a balance in documentation are warranted. Data were extracted on search details, number of records downloaded and studies included in SRs. Cooper C, Dawson S, Varley-Campbell J, Cockcroft E, Peters J, Hendon J, Churchill R. Using search narratives to explain literature search strategies: a worked example. ; Search for Subject Headings that are provided in some databases: MeSH in PubMed; Emtree in Embase. Search filters are search strategies developed for specific databases focusing on a specific topic or study design within a certain context. Figure 6.4.a: Combining concepts as search sets. One of the first tasks in developing a Cochrane Review is preparing a search strategy… In this real-life example from Cochrane’s Editorial and Methods Department, a search was evaluated by a peer reviewer as being too narrow for the topic area (missing a key concept) and searching many more databases that was necessary to meet the MECIR standards. Example of the structure of a search strategy for a Cochrane review (MEDLINE) Helmets for preventing head and facial injuries in bicyclists. qualitative systematic review* OR (systematic review AND qualitative) Database: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) Issue 1, 1998 was the first version of the Cochrane Library to be searched by the Group. 9. Cochrane Review language. (You may find the search box is in the top right-hand corner of the page if you are already “in” the database). English English. vs ((private OR public) AND health care) will retrieve all records on private and health care and also all records on public and health care Make sure individual search lines are correctly grouped, and grouped in accordance with the database searched Select your preferred language for Cochrane Reviews. 6.4.13 Demonstration search strategies. NNR was calculated for each review. Search | Cochrane Library. Scolaris Language Selector Scolaris Language Selector. Cochrane is a global independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people interested in health. Does “this” refer to a better search strategy? 4. PICO search BETA allows you to search only on the PICO context that you are interested in. A filter has been developed for MEDLINE, and this is published in the Cochrane Handbook , Section . #3 MeSH descriptor SELF-INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR this term only. The Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategies for MEDLINE in subsequent sections are adapted from strategies first published in 2006 as a result of a frequency analysis of MeSH terms and free-text terms occurring in the titles and abstracts of MEDLINE-indexed records of reports of randomized controlled trials (Glanville 2006), using methods of search strategy design first developed by the authors to … The example shows the subject heading and keyword searches that have been carried out for each concept within our research question and how they have been combined using Boolean operators. Part of developing a Cochrane Review involves a preparing a search strategy to help authors identify the studies for their review. The Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group’s Information Retrieval Specialist (currently Vittoria Lutje, (, works with the authors to prepare search strategies and to conduct searches. Methods: Purposive sample of 30 freely available, recent SRs (10 effectiveness (3 Cochrane SRs), 10 prognosis, 10 diagnosis reviews) in musculoskeletal diseases selected. In this example from a PubMed search, [mh] = MeSH & [tiab] = Title/Abstract, a more focused version of a keyword search. Search for your keywords in All Fields. An example of a search string for one concept in a systematic review. Authors of a Cochrane Airways Group review are supported in this process by the Trials Search … Broaden the search by using OR. 6.4.10 Identifying fraudulent studies, other retracted publications, errata and comments. Introduction The search strategy is an important part of the systematic review process. It defines how we intend to accomplish this and provides a framework for Cochrane's future decision-making, helping us respond to the strategic opportunities and challenges that we face in the next decade and beyond. PICO search BETA allows you to use those same terms to find reviews most relevant to your PICO questions. However, filters are not currently advised for prognosis and diagnosis SRs due to lack of precision and potential to miss important studies. An excellent example is the Cochrane Protocol for Pharmaceutical policies : the four-page search strategy * is not documented in the protocol. The search strategy will combine the subject search with the appropriate study design filter as described in section 6.4.11. of The Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Search manager lets you add unlimited search lines, view results per line and access the MeSH browser using the new MeSH button. AND OR NOT Title Abstract Keyword Record Title Abstract Author Keyword All Text Publication Type Source DOI Accession Number Trial Registry Number Cochrane Group Cochrane … This will allow you to form your search strategy and give you keywords. 3. These search strategies can be adapted in search strategies for Cochrane Work SR’s. Example: deep vein thrombosis OR venous thrombosis. Examples of documented search methodologies: A systematic review published in Cochrane provides full search strategies for all database searches in the Appendices: Bath, PMW & Krishnan, K 2014, 'Interventions for deliberately altering blood pressure in acute stroke', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. The “Search Results” bar at the top of the page tells you how many hits there are in each section of the Cochrane Library. Search methods Electronic databases Please list all databases that are to be searched and include the interface (eg NHS, EBSCO, etc) and date ranges searched for each PUBMED/MEDLINE COCHRANE EMBASE Cinhal PsychInfo Keele Web of Science CDR/DARE databases Other methods used for identifying relevant research ie contacting experts and 7.4 Designing search strategies 7.4.1 Designing search strategies –an introduction 7.4.2 Structure of a search strategy 7.4.3 Search providers and search interfaces 7.4.4 Sensitivity versus precision 7.4.5 Database subject headings and text words Box 7.4.a: How to develop a searchstrategy (example) example for searching so check the help file if the search does not appear to be working correctly. Specialised Register searching should be listed first, for example ‘We will search Cochrane X Group Specialised Register’, and the preferred order for other sources is … Search strategy: #1 MeSH descriptor Multiple Sclerosis, this term only Sign up for a Cochrane account by clicking here, or by clicking on the same link in the upper-right hand corner of the Cochrane homepage. Once logged in, go to the “Search Manager” tab (the tab directly to the right of the default “Search” tab). The Cochrane Airways Group Developing a search strategy for an Airways Group systematic review 1. Appendix 1. For example, the term "Diabetes Mellitus" is cited in Cochrane Reviews in some cases as a Population term, and in some other cases as an Outcome term. #1 MeSH descriptor EATING DISORDERS explode all trees. For example if “compliance” is identified as an issue for a particular intervention an appropriate search strategy may consist of a combination of Intervention terms, Qualitative Research filter terms and Compliance-related terms such as “comply”, “compliance”, “adherence”, “concordance” etcetera. #3 AND #6 AND #7. It also shows where keyword techniques like truncation, wildcards and adjacency searching have been used. text words [words found in the. Our objective was to identify problems in the design and reporting of search strategies in a sample of new Cochrane SRs first published in The Cochrane Library in 2015. The search strategy used in the review ideally should follow established guidelines, should be comprehensive, reproducible and documented. This is the PubMed format for the Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for identifying randomized trials in MEDLINE: sensitivity-maximizing version (2008 revision): #1 randomized controlled trial [pt] #2 controlled clinical trial [pt] #3 randomized [tiab] #4 placebo [tiab] #5 drug therapy [sh] #6 randomly [tiab] #7 trial [tiab] Weller criticizes the search strategy in the article, but her points are still confusing. Use "inverted commas" to find an exact phrase eg: "coronavirus pneumonia" will find the two words beside eachother in the same sentence.Combine similar synonyms with OR to find articles that mention one or other of the words/phrases. Full search strategies should be provided in the Appendix of the review, and referenced in the protocol. In this example, 2 Cochrane Systematic Reviews are found, and also 52 Clinical Trials. (Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, 2011, Section 6.4.4) A useful technique is to check the search strategies used in other systematic reviews for hints on terms and combinations to use. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018;(9 Suppl 1). Skip to Content. Abstracts of the 25th Cochrane Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK. Sections without translation will be … As support to our authors the CIS helps t… Cochrane Library: worked example of a search strategy What is the effectiveness of hypnotherapy versus nicotine replacement therapy for helping people to give up smoking? In addition, depending on the topic and possibilities, it may be appropriate to search for grey literature, contact other researchers, search other (national, regional or topic-specific) databases or screen reference lists of other reviews on related topics. TITLE or ABSTRACT of a record] 6.4.8 Proximity operators (NEAR, NEXT and ADJ) 6.4.9 Language, date and document format restrictions. You can find them here. Cochrane further recommends searching trial registers and checking reference lists of relevant studies and systematic reviews. An RCT filter is a search strategy which is added to the main search strategy so that the majority of the studies retrieved are randomized controlled trials or controlled clinical trials. Introduction: developing the search strategy . The Cochrane Handbook ( states: Systematic reviews of interventions require a thorough, objective and reproducible search of a range of sources to identify as many relevant studies as possible. 6.4.12 Updating searches. The strategy will search for qualitative systematic reviews of Condition OR Intervention. Page 5 of 7 Example of search table The search strategy table can be included in an Appendix by copying a Microsoft Word table and footnotes into the Appendix. The following search strategy is used to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) which is updated quarterly. In Cochrane, keywords should be entered in the “ Search” tab Use quotes around all phrases to ensure that the phrase is searched instead of each word individually. (e.g. “public health”) For more possible search terms, visit the MeSH database and look at the "entry terms" listed for each MeSH record. Box 6.4.e: Demonstration search strategy for CENTRAL, for …

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