source and effect of water pollution slideshare

Toxins from various sources such as pesticides, fertilizers, phenol etc. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles. Thus, fertilization leads to water, soil and air pollution. Many areas are experiencing a shortage of water supply during the dry season. Land pollution. Industry is a huge source of water pollution, it produces pollutants that are extremely harmful to people and the environment. Chemical fertilizer used per hectare in Turkey (N+P+K) are determined as 100.4. Conclusion. 1. The consequences of unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) on children can be deadly. A great deal of industrial pollution comes from manufacturing products from raw materials—(1) iron and steel from ore, (2) lumber from trees, (3) gasoline and other fuels from crude oil, and (4) stone from quarries. Sources of Water Pollution Water pollution in Nigeria according to Gbamanija (1998) arises from various activities, among which are: i. Sewage leakages ii. Also See: Air Pollution PPT and PDF. 4.3. pollution, its impacts on water quality and the necessary remedial or preventive measures ... Pollution from diffuse sources, such as agricultural run-off, or from numerous small inputs over a wide area, such as faecal pollution from unsewered settlements, is particularly difficult to control. Thus, Pollution is essentially the introduction of toxins into the natural setting that causes negative changes. Sedimentation Pollution. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. Pollutants include solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in greater than natural abundance, produce due to human activity, which have a determined effect … Air Pollution. Being insoluble in water, oily water always exists as bi-layer. POLLUTION PPT and PDF Free Download: Environmental pollution can be defined as a change that is not wished or desired in the chemical, physical, or biological characteristics of any component of the environment (air, water, and soil) which can cause harmful effects on various or many forms of life.Pollution is of different kinds depending on the nature of pollutants and pollutions. The … Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural communities. Particulate Matter or Particle Pollution can either be a solid or liquid matter … Groundwater pollution occurs when used water is returned to the hydrological cycle. Water Pollution is one of the major problems of the current decade. Water pollution includes pollution of fresh water, marine water and groundwater. The Pollution Problem. Water Pollution Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies e.g. In China, over 12 million tons of grain (worth approximately 2.6 billion USD) is found to be unfit for human consumption due to contamination with heavy metals (as per studies conducted by the China Dialogue). It is pollution caused by discharge of pollutants over a wide area. Electrical generating plants can create thermal water pollution when they use This is because most of the water used by us is found in the ground. Environmental pollution comes in various forms, such as: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, etc. The challenges that lie ahead are both extremely complex and locally diverse. Point source pollution is a type of pollution that occurs via an identifiable source while nonpoint source pollution is a type of more diffusible pollution. Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of water bodies. Water pollution is the contamination of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and groundwater. Causes of water pollution Causes of water pollution can be classified under two broad categories , ‘point source’ which occurs when harmful substances are emitted directly into a body of water and ‘nonpoint source’ which delivers pollutants indirectly through transport or environmental change. How to avoid water pollution. Main contributors to thermal pollution are the companies that process our food and generate our electricity. indicator of water pollution of different water bodies [6], [7], [8]. Intensification of agricultural activities with increasing use of fertilizers and pesticides and. The Various Types of Water Pollution That Are Hard To Gulp Down! Effects on Human Health Diseases like hepatitis are caused by eating seafood that is poisoned or contaminated. This is usually caused due to human activities. Definition and causes and effects of water pollution. Water is an important natural resource used for drinking and other developmental purposes in our lives [ 3 ]. Water pollution. Nonpoint-source pollution is defined as diffuse (spread-out) sources of contamination from a wide area of a landscape, often difficult to be attributed to a single location. Water pollution scientifically changes in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water that will have a detrimental consequence of any living organism. Polluted water reduces Dissolved Oxygen (DO) content, thereby, eliminates sensitive organisms like plankton, molluscs and fish etc. Sources of Surface Water Pollution: a. Nonpoint Source Pollution: A great deal of water pollution happens not from one single source but from many different scattered sources. Surface Run-Off: The pollutants present on the surface of land and fertilizers added to the soils” … Fine suspended particles cause turbidity in waterways. 5. Water pollution is defined as the presence in groundwater of toxic chemicals and biological agents that exceed what is naturally found in the water and may pose a threat to human health and/or the environment.Additionally, water pollution may consist of chemicals introduced into the water bodies as a result of various human activities. Accidental “Spills from Oil Rigs”. Polluted water is of great concern to the aquatic organism, plants, humans, and climate and indeed alters the ecosystem. Fertilizers and pesticides applied to crops eventually may reach underlying aquifers, particularly if the aquifer is shallow and not "protected" by an overlying layer of lowpermeability material, such as clay. It is the major or sole cause of most of the death and diseases. Different Types of pollution are categorized based on the part of the environment which they affect or result which the particular pollution causes. The effects of water pollution are varied. The main source to fulfil this demand of irrigation, industries and drinking water is river water. This is called nonpoint source pollution. Water pollution has been documented as a contributor to a wide range of health problems and disorders in humans. It has also been shown to have drastically negative impacts on wild animals and the environment as a whole. Control measures are required on … •Radioactivity- Property of certain elements like Ra, Th, U etc to spontaneously emit alpha, beta & gamma rays by disintegration of atomic nuclei. Covering over 70% of the planet’s surface, water, is needed for the survival and thriving of the environment as well as the people. Each of these types has its own distinctive causes and consequences. Over 700 children under age 5 die every day of diarrhoeal diseases due to lack of appropriate WASH services. There is a dearth of fresh drinkable water because each and every reservoir of water has been infected with chemicals, sewage, wastewater or worse – radioactive substances. Daniel Vallero, in Fundamentals of Air Pollution (Fifth Edition), 2014. Crop yield is greatly affected by this form of pollution. Noise pollution (causes, effects, and prevention) How to avoid noise pollution. 1. This is common with Point-source Pollution. These include chemicals that are used to control weeds, insects and pests. Metals and solvents from industries can pollute water bodies. These are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life and may slow their development, make them infertile and kill them. Unlike organic pollutants, heavy metals once introduced into the environment cannot be biodegraded. It creates a huge negative impact on the ocean. There are basically five primary sources of water pollution―domestic sewage, agricultural runoff, industrial effluents, wastewater from septic tanks, and stormwater runoff. Old and poorly maintained vehicles cause most pollution from cars, but electric, hybrid and other clean, fuel-efficient cars have a reduced impact. Oil spills also pollute sea water. Water Pollution in Pakistan and its Causes, effects and best solutions are written. Dirty and polluted water is the world’s primary health concern and persists to pose threats to the survival of humanity and quality of aquatic life. They persist indefinitely and cause pollution of air, water, and soils. Pollution | National Wildlife Federation. Some of the most common pollution types are: Surface water pollution. Definition, causes, and prevention of land pollution. In other words, they make the water less transparent, blocking sunlight. Marine pollution causes due to sewage disposed of in sea water. Many types of microorganisms live in water and cause fish, land animals and humans to become ill. Microorganisms such as: There are quite a few different effects of the types of water pollution that are of significant importance to humans. The shortage of fresh water is constantly growing. Thermal pollution is also a source of marine pollution. ** Effect of organic pollution on water quality-(Causes Algae in water: algae grow according to how much waste in a water source .Bacteria feed off the algae, decreasing the amount of oxygen in water and this incident harm organisms) **Flooding **Harms animal 2. Canal polluted by single use plastic, effect of water pollution Till date, water pollution remains a serious concern for the environmentalists and civil society alike. Groundwater pollution is a worldwide epidemic. In areas of conflict, children are nearly 20 times more likely to … Water pollution is the contamination of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and groundwater. Water pollution affects the entire biosphere lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). The reasons for this are the following: The population is growing and so is the development of fields that require a lot of it; Loss because of the decreasing amount in rivers; Sources with industrial, domestic, and other waste. Reducing the amount of pollution produced means less waste to control, treat, or dispose of. How does water pollution occur? Many types of microorganisms live in water and cause fish, land animals and humans to become ill. Microorganisms such as: P2, also known as "source reduction," is the ounce-of-prevention approach to waste management. The effect of point source pollution is high in the affected area while the effect of nonpoint source pollution is more global. 55 Sources of Water Pollution The main sources of water pollution are natural, agricultural, mining, municipal, industrial and accidental: a) Natural pollution:- • Aerial contaminants entering the water body due to rainfall or melting of ice. Thermal Water Pollution Surface water that is heated can lead to what is called thermal water pollution. High quality fresh water is limited in quantity and there is a need for comprehensive water management involving representatives of all those who use water. Water Pollution - Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment. The change in the environment caused by natural or artificial input of harmful contaminants into the environment, and may cause instability, disruption or harmful effects to the ecosystem. Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). We all are aware of the signs of water pollution such as bad taste of drinking water, offensive odours from water bodies, and decline in number of fishes living in it and oil and grease floating on surface of water. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater) This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Both for the purpose of this research, emphasis are on water pollution and control. Such species are recognized as… Water pollution, the release of substances (such as chemicals or microorganisms) or energy (in the form of radioactivity or heat) into surface and subsurface waters to the point where they interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems. Non-point Source of Water Pollution: 1. 18. Microbiological water pollution is usually a natural form of water pollution caused by microorganisms.. Food pollution can affect each of us by causing mild to severe food illnesses or, worse, contributing to or causing the development of serious health problems such as hormonal and metabolic problems, or even various types of cancer. Water pollution scientifically changes in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water that will have a detrimental consequence of any living organism. People depend on safe water for their health and livelihood. Heat is sometimes considered point source pollution. This is the best essay on What is Water Pollution: Types of Water Pollution, Sources of Water Pollution, Causes of Water Pollution, Effects of Water Pollution, Controls of Water Pollution in a very simple and short way. Surface water includes water that is found naturally on the earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. Each person can contribute something to advance environmental pollution mitigation measures. Thus, the negative effects of soil pollution also impact soil quality and texture. They include lagoons, rivers, oceans, and lakes. The biggest & main harmful effect of pollution is on the environment as it breaks up the environment & also the different ecosystems present in it. An Many water resources are more and more becoming vulnerable to pollution by … This page was updated on Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate we … An excessive amount of mercury in water can cause Minamata disease in humans and dropsy in fishes; Lead in large amount can cause dyslexia, Cadmium poisoning causes Itai – Itai disease, etc. water pollution occurs when In the four water-critical regions, water pollution is dominated by domestic and industrial sources. Effective management must ensure that the best use is made of available supplies, including protection from pollution, and should seek to limit conflicts over access to fresh water. Groundwater pollution caused by human activities usually falls into one of two categories: point-source pollution and nonpoint-source pollution. oil spillage iv. 4. Water pollution pictures. The use of chemical fertilizers in Turkey is lower than developed and many developing countries. The nearby streams and groundwater systems get the insecticides, pesticides, and ripening chemicals which are used on plants. Impact of Air Pollution on Plants.

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