my chihuahua is pregnant by a bigger dog

You can tell whether or not a Chihuahua is pregnant by a blood test after 2 weeks or by other methods. Ideally, the female should be larger than the impregnating male. Could my dog be pregnant? The puppies will be smaller than if the mother were a big dog. But they will still quite possibly be too big for the mother, thus requiring a midni... My 2 year old Chihuahua will not touch any small dog food ( DRY) he will only eat cooked chicken & then u have to hand feed him.He’s poop is loose & yesterday while he was going, he made 2 small cries I thought he was constipated but it came out loose.can u help please. Your bitch will begin shedding the hair on her belly in preparation for the birth- this is … My dogs nipples are getting a little bit bigger and she is showing stomach but Im not sure If shes pregnant please tell me if shes pregnant. When too much milk is produced in a dog, it piles up in the mammary gland, making the nipples swell. my chihuahua tummy is getting bigger and i don't know the signs of dog pregnancy. Your best bet is to contact a vet and schedule to have her spayed asap. The father of the puppies is a mini doberman. Around this time (by day 40), their nipples will begin to get darker and larger, too. [Help] Okay so I dont know their exact breeds but the female is about the size of a Chihuahua and the male is about the size of a corgi and they got stuck at least 5 times, probably more, will the female be okay? For a more accurate estimate, enter your Chihuahua puppy's current age and weight into our Puppy Weight Predictor to predict its adult size. I cannot tell you for sure if your dog is pregnant, but it would be better for her if she weren't. I want to know if my dog can get pregnant if she only had sex once, and she is on heat. If you suspect that your Chihuahua may be suffering from this condition, your veterinarian will take x-rays of the chest and throat and possibly recommend fluoroscopy – a type of x-ray that allows the internal structures to be viewed in motion; and/or endoscopy – an internal view of the trachea using a … When my female chihuahua first came into heat at 6 months of age…about a month before her appointment to be spayed, my neighbor's labrador camped out at my house until her heat cycle was over. Another reason for a dog to have swollen nipples is trauma of the teat. What Happens If A Chihuahua Gets Pregnant By A Bigger Dog? Female dogs are typically pregnant for roughly 63 days. I wish you the best of luck and how big is she now? Later Signs. If you notice she does not seem as rambunctious for more than one day, your dog may be pregnant. So, if your Chi weighs around 8 pounds, you have to feed him around 320 calories a day. "Intervention is minimal when it comes to a pregnant dog. These signs are decrease in rectal temperature below 100, agitation, no eating, restlessness and pacing. Increase your Pomeranian's food intake by another 25 percent at Week 6, and continue increasing by 25 percent at Weeks 7 and 8. If you suspect your dog is pregnant, take her to the vet 28-30 days after the date you think she was impregnated to be sure. She is a Chihuahua My dog has been mean to everybody else and the dog next door keeps coming over when I take the dog out so she can do whatever she dose. Anonymous answered. she had 3 pups, 1 still born. At the age of 5 to 8 months old the estrus phase of cycle starts which last 5 to 4 weeks, the female dog can mate with other male dogs. email at I'd suggest that if you let … Pregnant chihuhua. I would say if you could get a fetus to grow that it would definitely be too big for the Chihuahua's body. But it depends also on which genetics ar... It is not safe for 8-year-old Chihuahua to get pregnant. Its very possible that she could have puppies that are too large to pass through her pelvis. In that case, she would need surgery in order to have... help. Visit a veterinarian. If your Chihuahua is only carrying one or two puppies, though, they could develop uncommonly big, making it even extra hard for the mother to give start naturally. Adult Chis can be fed ¼ to ¾ cups of kibble daily, divided into 2 to 3 meals. How to tell if a Chihuahua is pregnant more accurately. You'll have to wait though to know definitively. Yes, so if you have a toy sized bitch, keep her under strict supervision when she is in estrus. Actually, any bitch in estrus should be closely sup... Your dog’s mood will change, not only by being more tired, but by being calmer. Hi, It is dangerous to the Mom if she is trying to birth a larger dog's pups. Step 5. If it did happen, the pregnancy would most likely kill the chihuahua. My chihuahua I think is pregnant she is attached to me more then ever her belly is getting bigger and bigger yet she hasn't been eating that much and she sleeps a lot problem is can she have a home birth the father of the puppies is a mini doberman? However, if she has, look for signs of pregnancy, like her nipples becoming elongated and her belly growing. I can’t imagine that a female chihuahua would be able to bear the weight of a larger dog during mating,let alone conceive or successfully carry or... The only way to find out early in the pregnancy is by an ultrasound examination. To prevent your female Chihuahua from getting pregnant, keep her close while she is in heat or have her spayed. She may not want to play as rough or as long. Is there anything else important you think the Veterinarian should know about your dog? 1. i swear i can still feel 1-2 pups in there still. A Chihuahua can be impregnated by a much larger dog (or dogs), in which case pregnancy and labor can become increasingly risky. Avoid this situation as far as possible. Ideally, the female should be larger than the impregnating male. If your dog is impregnated by a larger dog, seek your veterinarian’s advice. Mood Swings. Eight months old is simply too young for any dog to be bred, but Chihuahuas have a difficult time delivering under the best of circumstances since the puppies' heads are so large. She looks so similar to your's (even though yours is only 2 weeks while you took her picture)! The vulva, located just beneath the tail, is slightly swollen during heat, which lasts about 25 days. Step 1. As your pet's due date gets closer, their breasts will enlarge, and a little milky fluid may trickle out. We need to be extra careful with pregnancies, so we'll need to connect you with the Veterinarian ASAP. Your dog will be visibly pregnant 2-3 weeks after conception, but it will take up to 45 days to see the puppies on an x-ray. Talk to your neighbor, he needs to keep his dog contained. And you need to make sure you're outside with your girl while she is in heat just in case. Of course, it is possible, however highly unlikely. If it did happen, the pregnancy would most likely kill the chihuahua. Your best bet is to contact a vet and schedule to have her spayed asap. My female dog is in heat she is a Chihuahua, my poodle/maltise matted her for about 5 minutes then he let go what are the chances she is pregnant . Once heat is over, the swelling disappears, unless your dog has become pregnant. If he is an intact male, the possibility of a pregnancy is real. My sister-who has only seen my dog and not his seems to think his puppies may be to big for her to carry/deliver safely. If your dog is close to giving birth, her vulva might swell and appear bigger than normal. A Chihuahua can be impregnated by a much larger dog (or dogs), in which case pregnancy and labor can become increasingly risky. Any time after her first heat, which is usually at around 6 months of age. It is also possible that your pet becomes pregnant by two different dogs which are known multi-sired litter. Hello, my 4yr old stafforshire terrier went into delivery yesterday. Changes in Appetite. Can an 8-Year-Old Chihuahua Get Pregnant? Advertisement. Smaller dog breeds, like the Deer Head Chihuahua, will consume 40 calories per pound of body weight per day. Dear Dr. Baum — First of all, please excuse my ignorance with this. My chihuahua is also pregnant (possibly) and if so, she would be about 5-6 weeks pregnant! Pregnancy occurs approximately 11 to 14 days after insemination. Before rushing off to the vet for a confirmation you can use these signs to determine pregnancy yourself: Nipples. Is it possible for my dog to be pregnant and her belly not be big? Signs of labor in dogs start 8-48 hours before true labor. Your dog’s mood or demeanor may seem different while she is pregnant and even after. You dog will have less energy. Dirty environments can also be the cause of this enlargement. If you think that your dog is pregnant by looking at her vulva, she might be less than a week away from giving birth. These will become enlarged and may darken. My female Pit Bull recently came into her second heat, and while we also own an un-altered male Chihuahua, we weren’t too concerned about the likelihood of the two mating (due to HUGE size differences). If your dog is impregnated by a larger dog, seek your … Other dogs can detect the scent of a female dog in heat from miles away; thus it’s extremely important that you keep very close watch on a dog in heat and confine her indoors at all times to avoid unwanted pregnancy. A Chihuahua may conceive even if you think you intervened before copulation was completed. This would make for a totally dangerous pregnancy and delivery. If your dog has not been in heat or around a male dog in the last 2 months, she is probably not pregnant. From what I read on the internet, you should get your dog into the vet because it is really important … . Hardened stomach. i think she got pregnant by a bigger chihuahua and i'm scared that she will bust from caring babies to big. But it’s not recommended for a dog to get pregnant until at least 2 years of age.

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