element comes with a vertical scrollbar. Use layer element. I am not sure if the blue stripe on the navigation bar is still part of Firefox but I hide it with css, and also hide the option to set desktop background when you right click a picture in Firefox. Install the HideScrollbars add-on to your browser by clicking the “Add to Firefox” button on the page. [FireFox] Scrollbar Width I'm using a really nice theme called "Aquatint Redone". I found this : -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar Where do I place this to affect all the scrollbars. UPDATE: I added the following along with the above to solve the problem. The thin setting makes the scrollbar about a third of the original's size. For Firefox, we can set the scroll-bar width to none. .contenedor { /*Estilos estándar experimentales (Principalmente Firefox)*/ scrollbar-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); scrollbar-width: thin; } Not sure why, or if there’s a workaround, though. 2 Supports scrollbar styling via CSS pseudo-properties. Share a link to this question via email, Twitter, or Facebook. All the Mac browsers don’t show scrollbars; on Windows, Firefox and IE11 don’t show it but Chrome does. 1. Click the None radio button to remove the scrollbar entirely. Follow all the “Always Visible Scrollbar” instructions above. (not on standards track) 4 Can be enabled by setting the layout.css.scrollbar-colors.enabled and layout.css.scrollbar-width.enabled flags to true. I was able to implement the same feature in Firefox with CSS and wow. Don’t hide horizontal scrollbars on purpose when they shouldn’t be there. There is an addon for Firefox that changes the scroll bars, called "NewScrollbars (aka NoiaScrollbars)" that may be what your looking for. I want to find what is the issue and to fix. CSS hide scroll bar, but have element scrollable, For further information, see : Hide scroll bar, but while still being able scrollbar- width: none; /* Firefox */ -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE 10+ */ }. 12 Jul 2018 #10. For example, you would expect the logo of a business in the upper left corner of a site to take you to the homepage. Recently switched from Brave to Firefox after a bug with the "Fullscreen Immersive Toolbar" flag. However, the vertical scrollbar is too narrow, it looks to be half the width it should be. Hide or Show Scrollbar for Windows Terminal Profile in Windows 10 You can set the visibility of the scrollbar to visible or hidden for a profile in Windows Terminal. Addon that hides scrollbars in Firefox v57+. Is this possible? ::-webkit-scrollbar is only available in Blink - and WebKit -based browsers (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, all browsers on iOS, and others ). Use CSS to hide the scrollbar There are times when we need to hide the scrollbar from the HTMl elements. I know that I can use overflow-x: hidden; but I would like to find the reason what is causing this. That work good for chrome but in firefox i can see a little bit the first problem with the additionnal scrollbar.... We don't see then much, just a little, so it's not very serious. However, Firefox was very uncomfortable because “Some parts such as scroll bars cannot adjust the color tone.” Since the presence of the scroll bar itself is annoying, it is using add-on “hide-scrollbars: Hide page scrollbar!” Mozilla’s plan is an appropriate idea, but I hope so will pursue a user experience. Firefox, Opera and IE include the scrollbar dimensions. The other option doesn't just hide the bar, it removes it entirely, i.e. Demo. Another way to hide the scrollbar is to add the following code: .element { overflow: hidden; } Now, let’s discuss how to remove a scrollbar from the